Venus De Millennium
31”x12” including base
Limited Edition
An infinite source of inspiration, the female form is expressed through a modern lens: stylized, idealized, and elongated in “fashion proportion”. Paying homage to the humanism of the Renaissance and classical works like “Birth of Venus”, she represents the modern female canon as viewed through the lens of contemporary western culture and media.

21”x11” including base
Limited Edition
At first glance she is a joyous celebration of the female form. An exuberant modern expression of an ultra-feminine figure and frills. On a secondary level, she reflects women’s adoption of a new cultural norm as it relates to fashionable trends in body archetypes. She has unnatural body proportions in the ultra-small waist, perky breasts and rear end. The arms and legs which represent ability are replaced with frilly lace, along with the brain and mouth. Today, cosmetic surgery and injectables have gone from status symbols to becoming the norm, and the un-altered natural body is now passé, this piece begs the question, “Are we elevating the female form to achieve an ideal or are we just objectifying ourselves and conforming to an ideal that is being sold to us?”

Bronze and cast white marble
Limited Edition
This piece is an expression of femininity as the source of power and confidence. She is designed to hang on a wall like a hunter’s trophy (lion head) or mounted on a stand and base. Her title is ironic as she is no-one’s trophy. Her mane (made of lace) radiates femininity, strength, and confidence. Her face is a compilation several women who exude femininity and strength including Angelina Jolie, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Charlize Theron. She represents what I consider to be the sexiest attribute of all, self-confidence.

Awakened Soul
Limited Edition
This piece explores the relationship between conformity and our comfort zone. She rests peacefully, conforming willingly, unaware that she is completely enveloped by a set of expectations, represented by the lace, that is imposing itself onto her. We are so conditioned throughout our lives to fit into a mold, that we may never bother to examine how much of what we do is of our own choosing.

14”x 9”
Limited Edition
Social media has led us to believe we must maintain an external image of perfection as we are constantly bombarded with images of airbrushed, retouched, altered reality. This leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing while projecting a façade that others would be jealous of. In order to achieve inner peace, we must relinquish judgment of ourselves and others. It is better to live your own truth than try to measure up to someone else’s lies.

Skin Deep
21”x12” including base
Limited Edition
There is a striking irony in how far we’ve come from the conformity of the Victorian era, represented by the corset, that women worked so hard to overcome, yet we still choose to pour ourselves into the preconceived molds that society has prescribed for us. That corset has left its indelible mark on us. The only true beauty exists in a liberated mind, not in conforming to what others will sculpt us into. Without self-reflection, we are nothing but a hollow shell, drifting through the unbearable lightness of being.